Saturday, February 5, 2011

Need to Reboot?

One of the first things someone using a computer learns is there are times you'll have to "reboot". Though frustrating, it is not time to get angry. You have to stop, turn it off and then start it again. What a great metaphor for life. Stop, take a breath and reboot. Sure, if I don't like how this situation is going, I am not likely to react with a cheerful disposition. In fact I might even lose a little respect from others around me when I show them the underbelly of the monster who resides within. But being a blessed child of God my reboot comes with a spiffy redeemed heart. What if the written word of God came during this fast paced time of technology? Would Jonah realize that God was sending him on an adventure because his life needed a reboot? A giant smelly belly for three days screams reboot. Jonah didn't listen and neither do I. Yet three words can save me from the torment and chaos I create. "Father, forgive me." Simple yet redeeming, choosing to reboot a life full of crashes and malfunctions. I shall seek You in the morning and learn to walk in Your ways. Thank you Lord for the gift of starting over. Time to reboot my "heart" drive. Are you ready to do the same?