Tuesday, January 6, 2009

What can I possibly have to blog about?

This stuff is new to me. I wonder how I can send out random thoughts into cyberspace that people will want to read. But I will give it the old college try!

1st random thought: How many people realize the value of an education? Not many under the age of 25. When you look around the world today, young people are looking for instantaneous gratification that has come from our, "just add water" life. They see get rich schemes and people with great ideas making it big. But all that success came from somewhere. Fortunately for some, they thank those who spend countless hours preparing lessons. Those same people design a way for the wonder of the world to be presented to us in small manageable nuggets of knowledge. It's a buffet of learning, only your appetite can determine how much you consume. I doubt I'll ever be able to thank all those who provided the foundation but at least I can thank them here. If are reading this, please thank a teacher!

2nd random thought: Smile today for at least your here on Earth to live it.